When you want to save money on your energy bill, you need to check the items in your home that hogs up most of the energy. You might think you need more time or money to make changes, but doing so can help you save hundreds of dollars. These six methods will help you save money by cutting out unneeded costs. 

Use Appliances Wisely

Most of your energy usage is from the appliances you use at home. Using your appliances more efficiently can save a lot of money on energy bills. 

Buy Energy Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances are designed to utilize the least energy to complete their function. Many of these appliances can run at lower temperatures and energy levels, allowing them to function until the task is completed. Energy-efficient appliances include: 

  • Refrigerators
  • Air conditions
  • Water heaters
  • Lighters
  • Dishwashers
  • Washing machines
  • Dryers

Since energy-efficient appliances spend the minimum energy to complete a task, they can enhance energy conservation. The more energy is conserved; the more electricity is saved. Energy-efficient appliances can save up to 30% of your electricity bills. 

Use Energy Saving Light Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs have been around for ages, but compared to LED, they are not energy efficient and don’t last long. LED or Light Emitting Diodes are tiny semiconductors that have electrons to create photons. Unlike incandescent lamps that use filaments that glow to produce heat and light, photons in LED generate almost no head and use less energy to make the same amount of brightness as incandescent lights. This means that LED bulbs use 75% less energy than incandescent lighting. Moreover, LED bulbs last longer than incandescent bulbs. 

Add Insulation

Heat is transferred throughout your home via conduction, convection, and radiation. In conduction, heat moves through materials. Convection is transmitted via the movement of fluid, which usually comes in the form of air circulating heat around your space. Thermal radiation from the sun is absorbed by items like walls and roofs before being sent into the dwelling.

Insulation solutions are intended to reduce undesired heat loss and gain, lowering our dependency on other energy-intensive heating and cooling systems.

How Thermal Insulation Saves Energy

A properly insulated home makes you much less dependent on gas and electricity, reduces energy bills, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. 

  • Wall insulation can help cut the amount of energy you need to cool and heat your home by 25%.
  • Floor insulation reduces energy consumption by 20%. 

For the best energy efficiency, your home should be adequately insulated from the roof to its foundation. 

Install a Thermostat

Heating and hot water account for more than half of your fuel expenditures. Having an efficient heating system may significantly reduce your annual energy expenses.

Having a thermostat will let you: 

  • Set different temperatures for each room in your house.
  • Keep your home’s temperature at a comfortable level without wasting heat. 
  • Only heat the areas of your home that require it.

Smart Thermostat

With a smart thermostat, you operate the heating remotely using a mobile phone, tablet, or computer. Smart thermostats can also learn your routine and adjust your settings based on the weather forecast. 

Replace or Get Your Boiler Serviced

Central heating is responsible for 50% of your energy bill each year. As a result, replacing an old, inefficient gas boiler with a new, energy-efficient boiler might make a significant impact.

Upgrading your old gas boiler to a contemporary condensing boiler equipped with a programmer, room thermostat, and thermostatic radiator valves can save you up to 30% on your annual energy expenditures. The savings could pay off if you have an old boiler and no longer serviceable. Buying a new boiler can cost a lot, so you must weigh it against the potential savings. 

Savings can still be obtained if your boiler is still operational. Schedule a boiler service and request that the engineer ensure that it functions as efficiently as possible.


Draught proofing is a simple concept of stopping cold air from coming and preventing warm air from leaving your home. This is done by sealing the gaps in doors and windows to eliminate heat loss and let warm air out while ensuring your home has adequate ventilation and fresh air. 

Benefits of Draught-Proofing 

There are several benefits to installing draught-proofing measures at home. These benefits include: 

Helps reduce heat loss at home. This means your heating system will only have to work hard or be on for a short time to produce a comfortable temperature. 

Lower energy bills. Your heating system can work less hard. You’ll be using less energy, thus, lowering your energy bills. 

Here are some savings you can expect with draught-proofing. 

  • Windows and doors: around $20 per year. 
  • Chimney: approximately $15 per year. 

Draught proofing does not cost much but has a huge benefit in helping you feel comfortable in your home and making a massive difference in your quality of life. 

Take a look at the following areas to draught-proof your home. 

  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Floorboards
  • Skirting
  • Loft hatches
  • Chimney
  • Fireplace

Use Hot Water Efficiently

The most effective way to curb your home’s need for water heating is to use as little hot water as possible. The less water your system must heat, the less energy your water heater consumes. 

You can reduce hot water consumption by doing to following: 

  • Make sure your hot showers don’t run for a couple of minutes. 
  • Turn off water heating systems when you are away. 
  • Tankless water heaters can provide you with endless hot water with substantial energy savings of up to 40%

There are dozens of ways to lower your energy bill. By simply looking inside and outside your home and seeing what you can do to save money, you are bound to save hundreds of dollars every year.


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