What you gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? – The Black Eyed Peas
Here’s what you should do!
Yes, it is truly a beautiful time to be alive. All of that stuff in your closet or garage that you don’t use, from your clothes like halloween outfits to your home improvement tools & lawn mowers.
What is Rentls?

If we have anything in common, maybe it’s that we’ve bought a surfboard or a guitar or a bicycle, or something else that we can’t even remember the last time we’ve picked it up.
It’s ok, they won’t just sit there collecting dust much longer because we can give our unused items around the house a new meaning with Rentls!
Rentls is a trusted community which connects renters with people in the area in need of just about any items; from arts, crafts & supplies to toys & video games.
Make extra money off your stuff by listing virtually any item you’d like to earn income from and wait for the requests to come in!
Worried about your items being damaged or stolen?
Have no fear, Rentls even provides insurance to ensure safety from product damage, loss or theft for only a small fee at checkout.
So you can earn extra cash and have peace of mind that your items will return to their spot behind all the other junk in your storage.
How Rentls Works
Rentls simplifies the process of renting out your items and gives you full control over your item listed, from price, dates available & more.
Listing your unused items on Rentls is done through a simple step-by-step process:
1. Name Your Item
Use a descriptive title for your item. Be sure to establish the type of item you’re listing (camera, outdoor equipment, musical instrument, etc.)

2. Set Your Price & Dates
Select the cost per day to rent the item you are listing. When it comes to selecting your price, Rentls provides a calculator to assist you in finding the optimal price for your item.
The suggested daily price is typically 4% of the item retail price. For example, if you’re renting a laptop that you bought for $1000, it is suggested that you rent it for around $40 per day. If that laptop gets rented for 10 days out of the month, you could be earning an extra $400 per month!
To try out Rentls optimal rent price calculator, click here.
As the owner of the items you are listing, it’s only right that you decide the days and/or months that the item will be available for rent. That means you can make money off your items only when you really don’t need them, keeping you in control of what’s yours.
3. Describe Your Item
The description is really important in boosting your items chances of requests. Set up your listing with quality photos of your item, a description of the condition your item is in and any other specific information you wish to provide.

4. Post Your Listing
Once you’ve completed the first three steps simply confirm your listing and rent out your item!
Handle all communication like pick-up location, price negotiation, etc. with persons who request your item through the Rentls app or website. If you’re not getting enough requests, consider adjusting your daily price if needed.
Sign up with Rentls today and put your items to a more profitable use!